WSOB/SB Joint Ventures
List of our current WSOB/SB Joint Ventures, including our downloadable Capability Statements and our parner’s websites.
QRI-Tetra Tech
DUNS: 117255725

QRI-Tetra Tech Joint Venture, Inc. is a WOSB Joint Venture comprised of Quaternary Resource Investigations, LLC (QRI) and Tetra Tech, Inc. (Tetra Tech). QRI-Tetra Tech offers a full range of engineering and consulting services which includes environmental consulting, geophysical assessments, environmental remediation, emergency response, and construction services. We provide our clients the benefit of QRI’s 35+ years harmonizing government and industry with Tetra Tech’s 50+ years in innovation and finding sustainable solutions to help clients address their water, environment, infrastructure, resource management, energy, and international development challenges.
QRI-Tetra Tech Capability Statement PDF
Tetra Tech Website
DUNS: 078278105