
QRI offers geotechnical, environmental and relief well drilling and Hard To Access Sampling (HTAS™) sampling services in both water and land environments.


  • Geotechnical Drilling
  • Environmental Drilling
  • Relief Well Construction
  • Direct Push Technology
  • Hollow Stem Augering
  • Monitoring Wells
  • Piezometers
  • Mud Rotary Wells
    Hard To Access Sampling (HTAS™) uses vibracore technology custom mounted on barges and boats to access difficult water environments. 
    Relief Well Construction consists of large diameter well installation, earthwork, drainage, including grading and leveling on levee slopes; and establishment of turf.

    Direct Push Technology (DPT) can be used to continuously sample to depths up to 100 feet. Temporary groundwater wells can also be installed via DPT.

    Mud Rotary Drilling is ideal for projects that require deep boreholes (up to 900’). 

    Monitor Wells and Piezometers can be installed ranging from 3/4-inch to 4-inches in diameter using both DPT and Hollow Stem Auger (HSA) rigs. Wells can also be plugged and abandoned with these rigs.