The Company that puts Government and Industry in Harmony with the Environment.

QRI has 35+ years of experience providing environmental consulting, drilling, geophysical assessments, remediation, emergency response, and construction services.

Biological Investigations

QRI is dedicated to preserving our environment, both locally and nationally, while taking precautions to avoid future damage.

Environmental Investigations

QRI is dedicated to preserving our environment, both locally and nationally, while taking precautions to avoid future damages.

Pulser™ is a fast means to non-intrusively determine the 3-dimensional distribution of lithologic and stratigraphic  units to a depth of 350 feet below ground surface.

Emergency Response

QRI has an infrastructure that can increase sixfold within a few weeks to accommodate emergency response and remediation to support Federal, state, and local government. We also accommodate non-Federal clients that require rapid evaluation of impoundments and/or other environmental issues.



Downloadable Capability Statement


Areas of Expertise 

QRI is a multifaceted company with experience providing services in many different NAICS Codes.















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TAP into QRI

QRI operates very much like a family and believes that their employees are the most important asset the company possesses. We take pride in the fact that our employees feel valued not only for their technical and professional abilities, but for their ability to work as a team and support one another as a family unit.

QRI Technologies

QRI leverages special and cutting edge technologies to elevate our services to new heights. Our trademarked capabilities and give us a significant edge over the competition.















Areas of Service

At QRI, our focus is on providing services to government, petrochemical, and oil & gas industry clients with a dedicated team that brings innovation, safety, and  efficiency to develop and deliver quality results.

Trademarked CRM Management

The Timothy System™ stands as QRI’s operational bedrock, honed through years of rigorous testing. Anchored by Unanet Gov Con and Unanet CRM, it operates seamlessly with interconnected subroutines like GovTribe, Project Management Score Board, and Race Track™. Augmented by standalone processes such as Fedmine, GovSpend, Industrial Info Resources, Navigator, EOS, and tightly integrated with Microsoft 365 Programs. The Timothy System™ ensures relentless efficiency and reliability, sustaining operations seamlessly around the clock.

Federal and Non-Federal Portfolio

68 Active Contracts

7,016 Task Orders (since 1986)

Performance Ratings




Very Good

