Federal Services
QRI’s Federal portfolio is represented by 118 Federal contracts with 578 Task Orders since 2007 for the: General Services Administration, US Army Corps of Engineers in 13 Districts (Fort Worth, Galveston, Jacksonville, Memphis, New England, New Orleans, New York, Savannah, Seattle, Tulsa, Vicksburg, Mobile, Rock Island), US Coast Guard, US Air Force, the US Army National Guard, US Geological Survey, US Navy, the National Park Service and FEMA. The top Federal client in this Section is the USACE. From 2013 to present, 42% of QRI’s total revenues were performed in this Section resulting in $1.2 billion in contract value ($20.4 million in actual obligated value).
Environmental Remediation Services
Ensuring Safe Work Environments, Healthy Communities and Reestablishing Normality After Disasters
Environmental Consulting Services
Government and Industry in Harmony with the Environment
Geotechnical Drilling
Environmental, Geotechnical, and Relief Well Drilling
Subsurface Detection that Prevents Time Loss and Saves Lives
Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization
Support Services
Site Reconnaissance Data